Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Smile Emo Kids

when asked why he did it the youth simply stated "because i felt like it!" * feelings * emotions * desires * questioning a young girl today, i asked, "what do you like to do when you're not in school?" "it depends," she said "it depends on whatever i feel like doing at that moment." * feelings in the moment* one boy stated, "i feel sometimes that i really like girls, at other times i wonder if i'm gay." *wondering about what to feel* typical to a young culture today is the emo revolution -- some say it has played through its season -- dead? i would say hardly* alive and maturing is this movement of emotional feelers*

in hobbies young people move from activity to activity barely spending enough time to develop a liking for one thing* "i didn't feel it was the right thing for me"* socially they fight and make up, fight and makeup, fight and... "they didn't respect my feelings"* they don't allow role models to speak correction and guidance into their lives because they choose someone who is distant (i.e. Poe, Manson, Kant, a dead grand, etc) *"they understand what I am going through - not my parents" most emo kids will hold at least five different jobs before finding the right one, and even when they find that one it will be a tough fit* "i feel this is the one...but maybe not" *constant change * differing expressions* making it through today*

it's not healthy for those in authority to ignore, overlook, turnaway, or criticize this unique culture in our generation* i hear "oh, this behavior is just a phase - it's not real - it will pass." "Why don't you grow up and act like a normal human being?" * i respond to this: maybe it is a phase, maybe emo's will grow out of this pattern of behavior -- maybe they won't * emo kids have a place* they have a purpose in our society -- reaching emo kids takes a little extra effort* connecting with them simply requires innovation and creativity:

*Commitment* Emo kids are eclectic and sometime ecentric* commitment is learned through patient guidance and positive feedback recognizing effectiveness of effort -- recognize success -- accept feelings toward the activity --

*Healthy mentoring* Emo kids will "listen" to us if we "listen" to them. Acceptance is an exchange. Authorities must realize that prioritizing the battles they fight for these kids is of crucial importance -- don't embrace bad choices BUT DO (and show) love (to) the kid --

*Invest in emotions* discuss* encourage* spend time [crucial]* speak into emotions --

meet emo kids where they are* understand their differences* make the effort to reach and teach* what a great assest to our future society -- how will you determine how they will use what they have to offer?

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