Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fuzzy Purple Slippers

step back from work why dont you * embrace the solice of rest and relaxation * feel the comfort of the couch with a book on your lap or the remote in your hands * change into something comfortable* stop thinking of the past * stop pondering the future* it is time for you* slip into the coziness of you warm fuzzy purple slippers *

manic* chaos* hectic* noisy* transition into quiet* seperated* peaceful* enjoyable

what is it that people cannot stop for one moment to enjoy the moment* is it that one does not appreciate the moment he/she has* is it that one cannot trust that the moment in itself can and will exist without contemplation or effort to some degree* then why the effort* why the restlessness*

sue plans her vacation from work for a week* but it seems like a harder task than it is worth* after all she cant leave the office without preparing for it in advance* there is the working at a greater degree to get not only this weeks work done but also the next weeks* and what if sue wants to go out of town* there is the packing* the calling* her animals* her plants* the mail* bills paid on time* security* money* sue determines is it really worth it -- ill only concern myself while i am gone*

reality is that in todays culture rest* relaxation* comfort is not priority* it is almost something that is an option instead of something we really need* we do not think ahead and consider that rest should be an intricate part of our life and our calendar*

the results of a lack of comfort and rest: burn out* anxiety attacks* depression* moral failure* giving up* etc etc etc* does not this reflect the a statistical anaysis of our society in our hussle and bussel world*

get radical* take time to put on the fuzzy purple slippers*

Friday, October 26, 2007

Jetsons Meet the Finstones

i literally felt my blood pressure rising as i saw her slowly, but willfully pull out in front of me* it would have been different if she had planned on speeding up or turning soon -- but for a long journey i was forced to drive behind an old lady going only seven miles an hour in a thirty-five mile an hour zone* it is not that i was already speeding or anything, but i had places to go and things to do and to me time meant the world*

that is when it hit me like a mac truck coming one hundred miles an hour at my face* to me time meant everything -- but to this older citizen of our small town time was everything*

michael held the hand of his father while he watched the man who raised him slowly fading away in a hospital bed* michael's father had always been there for him throughout his life -- the little league baseball games -- the high school football games -- his graduation from west point military academy -- and the wedding of the love of his life* dad had left him the family business to run, but beyond all the times that michael turned away his father's help and fought for his independence -- "just let me do it on my own" -- michael felt needy and helpless now more than ever before* how would he ever fill his father's shoes*

one said, "he'll change everything"* someone else stated, "what were they thinking bringing him in here?"* still another explained, "he's just a baby"* the new company ceo was only 34 when he was brought on to the multibillion dollar industry* the company needed a fresh need look on their product and the young man came highly recommended and exceptionally qualified for the position* too bad no one else felt that way* leading men and women twice his age and with double the number of years experience was a difficult task -- but the new ceo was up to the challenge and ready to empower all those serving with him*

what happens when two cultures collide -- when young meet old and old meet young* young men and women today struggle respecting those who preceded them in life* due to the internet age the young now days have access to far more knowledge and information than older citizens so why should they respect ignorant elders who really don't know that much* everything an older man or woman has he or she worked for -- respect in this world didn't come easy to us so why should we give it away to some little bratty kid*

i wonder what the jestsons and flinstones would have done if they had met each other in another time and another place* could there be a mutual agreement between fred and george* could they share in each other's values* i think that's the key -- understanding and sharing the values of different cultures -- whether it is a matter of time -- dependence -- importance -- or anything else - we want what matters to us to matter to someone else --therefore we must respect (not so much agree or accept) but respect another culture's worth*

Filling an Empty Wall

empty* barren* blank* pure* desolate* void* the wall hasn't been touched* no holes* no color* no scrapes or scratches* yet i am compelled to put something on it -- what? start with color -- dark? light? eccentric? conservative? earth tones?* maybe a picture --religious? modern? historical? global? does what we put on the wall reflect who we are? our values? our morals? how about what we stand for?

i asked a close friend of mine to help me cover my wall* i liked the color she painted the wall, but not so much the picture that she placed on it* actually the picture was quite offensive...but i kept it to myself just thinking i don't want offend her by speak out or taking it down --the picture stayed up for quite some time and visitors who came by *i think* also found it offensive, like me they didn't say anything...just turned and walked away shaking their head*

before long noone really wanted to come and visit the house where the offensive picture on a once blank wall hung* not many people really thought very highly of me or even wanted to go places with me* there wasn't anything wrong with me...but something just wasn't right about the picture i allowed to hang on my wall* even though it might hurt my friend who placed it there, i decided finally to take it down...

**our lives don't just begin with bad things defining who we are...we make the choice to allow things to be put in our lives that corrupt our being and reputation* we can be the greatest person in every other aspect, but we will aways be judged by that one thing that just isn't right* it's not until long after we make a decision to take that thing out of our lives that we see our reputation and dignity restored to us once again.

*what paintings have you allowed to hang on your wall?*

The Tattered Hundred Dollar Bill

as the weather grows cool and winter turns the corner a hungry man sits under a bridge keeping warm and staying dry* tired from walking he stops to think of a time when things weren't so difficult* he remembers warm evening meals with his family, hot morning showers before work, and weekends shopping for new clothes that would be impressive to those he came accross during the week* but not now...things have changed...all is lost and in the past...But, in a brief moment his world changes -- a local business owner approaches where he is sitting* stops* looks* thinks*

a martial arts master who has been training for over forty years enters into the post office* wearing jeans and a teeshirt noone knew his profession was teaching martial art leaders worldwide* he entered the long line in the front instead of the back* accidentally* suddenly another man reached up, grabbed his shirt, and pushed him out of line* the martial arts master lowered his head turned and moved to the back* the other man stated as he walked past "that's what i thought! best you know your place"* the martial arts master smiled to himself*

it was on the campus of yale university that i saw it* slightly covered by candy bar wrappers, empty coke cans, and unwanted class notes was a tattered hundred dollar bill* i don't know how on this huge, busy campus that this bill had been overlooked or how it was on this day that i happened upon it* but it was there -- dirty* tattered* crumpled* it didn't look like much, but that didn't change its value* i started thinking about what i could do with this hundred dollar bill --what could i buy?-- how would i spend it* right now it didn't matter what it looked like...where it came from...or how it got there...right now i saw the value and worth in my new found prize*

in reality there are "tattered hundred dollar bills" all around us* do you see them* if not -- you're not looking close enough* they may be stopping under a bridge to take a rest on their journey or they may be standing in line behind you* they have worth* they have value* but can you see it beyond what they look like on the outside...maybe like everyone else you missed it the first time you passed by* go back* look closer* look with intent* look with purpose*

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Common Unity = Community

a lady told me the other day about how much she had stuggled over the years with so many different issues* one of the issues she disscussed was that of "not being able to financially get ahead in life." She said, "every time i get a little money (i.e. a pay raise at the job, income tax return, etc.) something comes up and that money quickly goes out the door" *

i used to ask myself why sometimes we go through what we go through in life?* why do bad things happen to us?* why does it seem like we go through so many struggles?* is it all meaningless or can something actually come out of it*

i pondered this lady's concern and i remembered a time when that stuggle seemed so real to me* "how will i pay my bills this month?" why can't i make enough to invest or set up a savings account?" -- these were questions that used to consume my every waking moment...

but one day while taking my focus off my needs and instead investing that time into focusing on something greater than myself and reaching out to serve someone else's need, that soon became less of a concern and i was content with the fact that by believing the provision would be there*
sharing this experience with her -- although not so profound -- she likewise became content upon hearing the encouraging guidance of "look for God's ways first and while you do, all that you need will be given to you."* it's the thought that there is something greater than we that when going after it, it will provide for us.
understanding where she was, because of where i had been -- i was able to develop a common unity (community) with this lady, in which a relationship was built* maybe that's why i myself went through my stuggles so that in overcoming i could build a testimony that would develop a relationship and thus bring purpose to my own journey and life*

*so today's living may just become tomorrow's foundation in which you might develop a stronger community with those you come in contact*

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Smile Emo Kids

when asked why he did it the youth simply stated "because i felt like it!" * feelings * emotions * desires * questioning a young girl today, i asked, "what do you like to do when you're not in school?" "it depends," she said "it depends on whatever i feel like doing at that moment." * feelings in the moment* one boy stated, "i feel sometimes that i really like girls, at other times i wonder if i'm gay." *wondering about what to feel* typical to a young culture today is the emo revolution -- some say it has played through its season -- dead? i would say hardly* alive and maturing is this movement of emotional feelers*

in hobbies young people move from activity to activity barely spending enough time to develop a liking for one thing* "i didn't feel it was the right thing for me"* socially they fight and make up, fight and makeup, fight and... "they didn't respect my feelings"* they don't allow role models to speak correction and guidance into their lives because they choose someone who is distant (i.e. Poe, Manson, Kant, a dead grand, etc) *"they understand what I am going through - not my parents" most emo kids will hold at least five different jobs before finding the right one, and even when they find that one it will be a tough fit* "i feel this is the one...but maybe not" *constant change * differing expressions* making it through today*

it's not healthy for those in authority to ignore, overlook, turnaway, or criticize this unique culture in our generation* i hear "oh, this behavior is just a phase - it's not real - it will pass." "Why don't you grow up and act like a normal human being?" * i respond to this: maybe it is a phase, maybe emo's will grow out of this pattern of behavior -- maybe they won't * emo kids have a place* they have a purpose in our society -- reaching emo kids takes a little extra effort* connecting with them simply requires innovation and creativity:

*Commitment* Emo kids are eclectic and sometime ecentric* commitment is learned through patient guidance and positive feedback recognizing effectiveness of effort -- recognize success -- accept feelings toward the activity --

*Healthy mentoring* Emo kids will "listen" to us if we "listen" to them. Acceptance is an exchange. Authorities must realize that prioritizing the battles they fight for these kids is of crucial importance -- don't embrace bad choices BUT DO (and show) love (to) the kid --

*Invest in emotions* discuss* encourage* spend time [crucial]* speak into emotions --

meet emo kids where they are* understand their differences* make the effort to reach and teach* what a great assest to our future society -- how will you determine how they will use what they have to offer?